Source code for evarify.filters.python_basics

import logging

# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs]def comma_separated_str_to_list(config_val, evar): """ Splits a comma-separated environment variable into a list of strings. :param str config_val: The env var value. :param EnvironmentVariable evar: The EVar object we are validating a value for. :rtype: list :return: The equivalent list for a comma-separated string. """ if not config_val: return [] return [token.strip() for token in config_val.split(',')] # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs]def comma_separated_to_set(config_val, evar): """ Splits a comma-separated environment variable into a set of strings. :param str config_val: The env var value. :param EnvironmentVariable evar: The EVar object we are validating a value for. :rtype: set :return: The equivalent set for a comma-separated string. """ return set(comma_separated_str_to_list(config_val, evar)) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs]def value_to_none(config_val, evar): """ Given a value that evaluates to a boolean False, return None. :param str config_val: The env var value. :param EnvironmentVariable evar: The EVar object we are validating a value for. :rtype: str or None :return: Either the non-False value or None. """ if not config_val: return None return config_val # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs]def value_to_int(config_val, evar): """ Convert the value to int. :param str config_val: The env var value. :param EnvironmentVariable evar: The EVar object we are validating a value for. :rtype: int """ return int(config_val) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs]def value_to_bool(config_val, evar): """ Massages the 'true' and 'false' strings to bool equivalents. :param str config_val: The env var value. :param EnvironmentVariable evar: The EVar object we are validating a value for. :rtype: bool :return: True or False, depending on the value. """ if not config_val: return False if config_val.strip().lower() == 'true': return True else: return False # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs]def validate_is_not_none(config_val, evar): """ If the value is ``None``, fail validation. :param str config_val: The env var value. :param EnvironmentVariable evar: The EVar object we are validating a value for. :raises: ValueError if the config value is None. """ if config_val is None: raise ValueError( "Value for environment variable '{evar_name}' can't " "be empty.".format( return config_val # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs]def validate_is_boolean_true(config_val, evar): """ Make sure the value evaluates to boolean True. :param str config_val: The env var value. :param EnvironmentVariable evar: The EVar object we are validating a value for. :raises: ValueError if the config value evaluates to boolean False. """ if config_val is None: raise ValueError( "Value for environment variable '{evar_name}' can't " "be empty.".format( return config_val # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs]def value_to_python_log_level(config_val, evar): """ Convert an evar value into a Python logging level constant. :param str config_val: The env var value. :param EnvironmentVariable evar: The EVar object we are validating a value for. :return: A validated string. :raises: ValueError if the log level is invalid. """ if not config_val: config_val = evar.default_val config_val = config_val.upper() # noinspection PyProtectedMember return logging._checkLevel(config_val)